Security Firearms Classes

Firearms Courses 

47 Hour Firearms Training Course for Armed Security Guards 

This is a 47 hour course required by New York State as the first step in obtaining a special armed guard registration card from the New York State Department of State. To attend the course students must possess a valid pistol license pursuant to NY Penal Law Section 400.00 and a valid NYS security guard registration card. The course consists of 7 hours of NYS Penal Law Article 35 (Use of Force/Deadly Physical Force) and 40 hours of range instruction and qualification. To successfully complete the course the student must pass a written examination on Article 35 and qualify with a handgun.


8 Hour Annual Firearms Training Course for Armed Guards

This is an 8 hour course that must be completed within 12 calendar months from completion of the 47 Hour Firearms Training Course for Armed Guards, and annually thereafter. To attend the course students must possess a valid pistol license pursuant to NY Penal Law Section 400.00 and a valid NYS security guard registration card. The course consists of 3 hours of NYS Penal Law Article 35 (Use of Force/Deadly Physical Force) and 5 hours of range instruction and qualification. To successfully complete the course the student must pass a written examination on Article 35 and qualify with a handgun.


Note: All Firearms Classes require the Student to qualify with the specific weapon they are going to using during the course of their duties. Additional equipment and ammunition are also needed to be provided by the student to attend this class. For a complete list items required please contact the School Director via email.